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A beautiful GitOps day I - Cluster initialization with Terraform and K3s

·12 mins
Use GitOps workflow for building a production grade on-premise Kubernetes cluster on cheap VPS provider, with complete CI/CD 🎉

This is the Part I of more global topic tutorial. Back to guide summary for intro.

The boring part (prerequisites) #

Before attack the next part of this guide, I’ll assume you have hard prerequisites.

External providers #

  • A valid domain name with access to a the DNS zone administration, I’ll use Cloudflare and as sample domain
  • Hetzner Cloud account
  • Any S3 bucket for long-term storage (backups, logs), I’ll use Scaleway for this guide
  • Any working SMTP account for transactional emails, not hardly required but maybe more handy

Terraform variables #

For better fluidity, here is the expected list of variables you’ll need to prepare. Store them in a secured place.

VariableSample valueNote
hcloud_tokenxxxToken of existing empty Hetzner Cloud project 1
domain_namekube.rocksValid registred domain name
acme_email[email protected]Valid email for Let’s Encrypt registration
dns_api_tokenxxxToken of your DNS provider for issuing certificates 2
ssh_public_keyssh-ed25519 xxx [email protected]Your public SSH key for cluster OS level access 3
whitelisted_ips[]List of dedicated public IPs allowed for cluster management access 4 endpoint if not using AWS
smtp_user[email protected]

1 Check this link for generating a token
2 Check cert-manager documentation to generate the token for supporting DNS provider, example for Cloudflare
3 Generate a new SSH key with ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "[email protected]"
4 If your ISP doesn’t provide static IP, you may need to use a custom VPN, hopefully Hetzner provide a self-hostable one-click solution. For more enterprise grade solution check Teleport, which is not covered by this guide. Whatever the solution is, it’s essential to have at least one of them for obvious security reasons.

Local tools #

Cluster initialization using Terraform #

For that we’ll using the official Hetzner Cloud provider for Terraform.

However, writing all terraform logic from scratch is a bit tedious, even more if including K3s initial setup, so a better approach is to use a dedicated module that will considerably reduce code boilerplate.

Choosing K3s Terraform module #

We have mainly 2 options:

Here are the pros and cons of each module:

Kube HetznerOkami101 K3s
SupportStrong communityJust intended as a reusable starter-kit
CNI supportChoice between Flannel, Cilium, CalicoFlannel only, while supporting network encryption with enable_wireguard variable, set flannel-backend to none if installing other CNI
Included helmsTraefik, Longhorn, Cert Manager, KuredNone, just the K3s initial setup, as it’s generally preferable to manage this helms dependencies on separated terraform project, allowing easier upgrading
Hetzner integrationComplete, use Hcloud Controller internally, allowing dynamic Load Balancing, autoscaling, cleaner node deletionBasic, public Load Balancer is statically managed by the nodepool configuration, no autoscaling support
OSopenSUSE MicroOS, optimized for container worloadsDebian 11 or Ubuntu 22.04
Initial setupRequire packer for initial Snapshot creation, and slower on node creationJust about ~1 minute for complete cluster creation, 1 more for initialization setup
Client supportPOSIX-based OS only, require WSL on WindowsAll including Powershell
Internal complexityHuge, you can’t really put your head insideVery accessible, easy to extend and fork, better for learning
UpgradeYou may need to follow new versions regularlyAs a simple starter-kit, no need to support all community problems, so very few updates
QualityUse many hacks to satisfy all community needs, plenty of remote-exec and file provisioner which is not recommended by HashiCorp themselvesUse standard cloud-config for initial provisioning, then Salt for cluster OS management
SecurityNeeds an SSH private key because of local provisioners, and SSH port opened to every nodeRequire only public SSH key, minimized opened SSH ports to only controllers, use SSH jump from a controller to access any internal worker node
BastionNo real bastion supportDedicated bastion host support with preinstalled WireGuard VPN, ideal for internal access to critical services like Kube API, longhorn, etc.
ReusabilityVendor locked to Hetzner CloudEasy to adapt for a different cloud provider as long as it supports cloud-config (as 99% of them)

So for resume, choose Kube Hetzner module if:

  • You want to use an OS optimized for containers, but note as it takes more RAM usage than Debian-like distro (230 Mo VS 120Mo).
  • Strong community support is important for you
  • Need of Hcloud Controller functionalities from the ground up, giving support for autoscaling and dynamic load balancing

Choose the starter-kit module if:

  • You want to use a more standard OS, as Debian or Ubuntu, which consume less RAM, managed by preinstalled Salt
  • You prefer to start with a simplistic module, without internal hacks, giving you a better understanding of the cluster setup step-by-step and more moveable to another cloud provider
  • Very quick to set up, as it doesn’t require any packer image creation, and use cloud-config for initial setup, without any client OS dependencies
  • Preferring manage additional helm dependencies on a separated terraform project

For this guide, I’ll consider using the starter kit as it’s more suited for tutorials and allow better understanding of all steps of cluster creation process. You’ll can more easily switch to the Kube Hetzner version later.

1st Terraform project #

Let’s initialize basic cluster setup. Create an empty folder (I name it demo-kube-hcloud here) for our terraform project, and create following file:

demo-kube-hcloud -
terraform {
  required_providers {
    hcloud = {
      source = "hetznercloud/hcloud"

  backend "local" {}

variable "hcloud_token" {
  type      = string
  sensitive = true

variable "my_public_ssh_keys" {
  type      = list(string)
  sensitive = true

variable "my_ip_addresses" {
  type      = list(string)
  sensitive = true

variable "s3_access_key" {
  type      = string
  sensitive = true

variable "s3_secret_key" {
  type      = string
  sensitive = true

provider "hcloud" {
  token = var.hcloud_token

module "hcloud_kube" {
  providers = {
    hcloud = hcloud

  source = "okami101/k3s/hcloud"

  server_image    = "ubuntu-22.04"
  server_timezone = "Europe/Paris"
  server_locale   = "fr_FR.UTF-8"
  server_packages = ["nfs-common"]

  ssh_port = 2222

  cluster_name = "kube"
  cluster_user = "rocks"

  my_public_ssh_keys = var.my_public_ssh_keys
  my_ip_addresses    = var.my_ip_addresses

  k3s_channel = "stable"

  kubelet_args = [

  control_planes_custom_config = {
    tls-san                     = [""]
    disable                     = ["traefik"]
    etcd-s3                     = true
    etcd-s3-endpoint            = ""
    etcd-s3-access-key          = var.s3_access_key
    etcd-s3-secret-key          = var.s3_secret_key
    etcd-s3-region              = "fr-par"
    etcd-s3-bucket              = "mykuberocks"
    etcd-snapshot-schedule-cron = "0 0 * * *"

  control_planes = {
    server_type       = "cx21"
    location          = "nbg1"
    count             = 1
    private_interface = "ens10"
    labels            = []
    taints = [

  agent_nodepools = [
      name              = "worker"
      server_type       = "cx21"
      location          = "nbg1"
      count             = 1
      private_interface = "ens10"
      labels            = []
      taints            = []

output "ssh_config" {
  value = module.hcloud_kube.ssh_config

Explanation #

Get a complete description of the above file here.

backend "local" {}

I’m using a local backend for simplicity, but for teams sharing, you may use more appropriate backend, like S3 or Terraform Cloud (the most secured with encryption at REST, versioning and centralized locking).

Treat the Terraform state very carefully in secured place, as it’s the only source of truth for your cluster. If leaked, consider the cluster as compromised and you should active DRP (disaster recovery plan). The first vital action is at least to renew the Hetzner Cloud and S3 tokens immediately.

At any case, consider any leak of writeable Hetzner Cloud token as a Game Over. Indeed, even if the attacker has no direct access to existing servers, mainly because cluster SSH private key as well as kube config are not stored into Terraform state, he still has full control of infrastructure, and can do the following actions:

  1. Create new server to same cluster network with its own SSH access.
  2. Install a new K3s agent and connect it to the controllers thanks to the generated K3s token stored into Terraform state.
  3. Sniff any data from the cluster that comes to the compromised server, including secrets, thanks to the new agent.
  4. Get access to remote S3 backups.

In order to mitigate any risk of critical data leak, you may use data encryption whenever is possible. K3s offer it natively for etcd and for networking using WireGuard flannel option. Longhorn also offer it natively for volumes (including backups).

server_image    = "ubuntu-22.04"
server_timezone = "Europe/Paris"
server_locale   = "fr_FR.UTF-8"
server_packages = ["nfs-common"]

ssh_port = 2222

cluster_name = "kube"
cluster_user = "rocks"

my_public_ssh_keys = var.my_public_ssh_keys
my_ip_addresses    = var.my_ip_addresses

Choose between ubuntu-22.04 or debian-11, and set the timezone, locale and the default packages you want to install on initial node provisioning. Once server created you may use Salt for changing them globally in the cluster.

Why not debian-12 ? Because it’s sadly not yet supported by Salt project

nfs-common package is required for Longhorn in order to support RWX volumes.

cluster_name is the node’s name prefix and will have the format {cluster_name}-{pool_name}-{index}, for example kube-storage-01. cluster_user is the username UID 1000 for SSH access with sudo rights. root user is disabled for remote access security reasons.

k3s_channel = "stable"

kubelet_args = [

This is the K3s specific configuration, where you can choose the channel (stable or latest), and the kubelet arguments.

I also prefer increase the eviction threshold to 250Mi, in order to avoid OS OOM killer.

control_planes_custom_config = {
  tls-san                     = [""]
  disable                     = ["traefik"]
  etcd-s3                     = true
  etcd-s3-endpoint            = ""
  etcd-s3-access-key          = var.s3_access_key
  etcd-s3-secret-key          = var.s3_secret_key
  etcd-s3-region              = "fr-par"
  etcd-s3-bucket              = "mykuberocks"
  etcd-snapshot-schedule-cron = "0 0 * * *"

Here some specific additional configuration for k3s servers.

I’m disabling included Traefik because we’ll use a more flexible official Helm later.

We’re adding automatic daily backup of etcd database on S3 bucket, which is useful for faster disaster recovery. See the official guide here.

control_planes = {
  server_type       = "cx21"
  location          = "nbg1"
  count             = 1
  private_interface = "ens10"
  labels            = []
  taints = [

agent_nodepools = [
    name              = "worker"
    server_type       = "cx21"
    location          = "nbg1"
    count             = 1
    private_interface = "ens10"
    labels            = []
    taints            = []

This is the heart configuration of the cluster, where you can define the number of control planes and workers nodes, their type, and their network interface. We’ll use 1 master and 1 worker to begin with.

The interface ens10 is proper for intel CPU, use enp7s0 for AMD.

Use the taint in order to prevent any workload to be scheduled on the control plane.

output "ssh_config" {
  value = module.hcloud_k3s.ssh_config

Will print the SSH config access after cluster creation.

ETCD and network encryption by default #

You may need to enable etcd and network encryption in order to prevent any data leak in case of a server is compromised. You can easily do so by adding the following variables:

demo-kube-hcloud -
module "hcloud_kube" {
  # You need to install WireGuard package on all nodes
  server_packages = ["wireguard"]

  control_planes_custom_config = {
    flannel-backend    = "wireguard-native"
    secrets-encryption = true,


You can check the ETCD encryption status with sudo k3s secrets-encrypt status:

Encryption Status: Enabled
Current Rotation Stage: start
Server Encryption Hashes: All hashes match

Active  Key Type  Name
------  --------  ----
 *      AES-CBC   aescbckey

Inputs #

As input variables, you have the choice to use environment variables or separated terraform.tfvars file.

demo-kube-hcloud - terraform.tfvars
hcloud_token = "xxx"
my_ip_addresses = [
my_public_ssh_keys = [
  "ssh-ed25519 xxx"
s3_access_key = "xxx"
s3_secret_key = "xxx"
export TF_VAR_hcloud_token="xxx"
export TF_VAR_my_public_ssh_keys='["xxx"]'
export TF_VAR_my_ip_addresses='["ssh-ed25519 xxx [email protected]"]'
export TF_VAR_s3_access_key="xxx"
export TF_VAR_s3_secret_key="xxx"

Terraform apply #

It’s finally time to initialize the cluster:

terraform init
terraform apply

Check the printed plan and confirm. The cluster creation will take about 1 minute. When finished following SSH configuration should appear:

Host kube
    User rocks
    Port 2222

Host kube-controller-01
    HostKeyAlias kube-controller-01
    User rocks
    Port 2222
    ProxyJump kube

Host kube-worker-01
    HostKeyAlias kube-worker-01
    User rocks
    Port 2222
    ProxyJump kube

Git-able project #

As we are GitOps, you’ll need to version the Terraform project. With a proper gitignore generator tool like It’s just a matter of:

git init
gig terraform

And the project is ready to be pushed to any Git repository.

Cluster access #

Merge above SSH config into your ~/.ssh/config file, then test the connection with ssh kube.

If you get “Connection refused”, it’s probably because the server is still on cloud-init phase. Wait a few minutes and try again. Be sure to have the same public IPs as the one you whitelisted in the Terraform variables. You can edit them and reapply the Terraform configuration at any moment.

Before using K3s, let’s enable Salt for OS management by taping sudo salt-key -A -y. This will accept all pending keys, and allow Salt to connect to all nodes. To upgrade all nodes at one, just type sudo salt '*' pkg.upgrade.

In order to access the 1st worker node, you only have to use ssh kube-worker-01.

K3s access and usage #

It’s time to log in to K3s and check the cluster status from local.

From the controller, copy /etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml on your machine located outside the cluster as ~/.kube/config. Then replace the value of the server field with the IP or name of your K3s server. kubectl can now manage your K3s cluster.

If ~/.kube/config already existing, you have to properly merging the config inside it. You can use kubectl config view --flatten for that.
Then use kubectl config use-context kube for switching to your new cluster.

Type kubectl get nodes and you should see the 2 nodes of your cluster in Ready state.

NAME                 STATUS   ROLES                       AGE    VERSION
kube-controller-01   Ready    control-plane,etcd,master   153m   v1.27.4+k3s1
kube-worker-01       Ready    <none>                      152m   v1.27.4+k3s1

Kubectl Aliases #

As we’ll use kubectl a lot, I highly encourage you to use aliases for better productivity:

After the install the equivalent of kubectl get nodes is kgno.

Test adding new workers #

Now, adding new workers is as simple as increment the count value of the worker nodepool 🚀
agent_nodepools = [
    name = "worker"
    // ...
    count = 3
    // ...

Then apply the Terraform configuration again. After few minutes, you should see 2 new nodes in Ready state.

NAME                 STATUS   ROLES                       AGE    VERSION
kube-controller-01   Ready    control-plane,etcd,master   166m   v1.27.4+k3s1
kube-worker-01       Ready    <none>                      165m   v1.27.4+k3s1
kube-worker-02       Ready    <none>                      42s    v1.27.4+k3s1
kube-worker-03       Ready    <none>                      25s    v1.27.4+k3s1
You’ll have to use sudo salt-key -A -y each time you’ll add a new node to the cluster for global OS management.

Deleting workers #

Simply decrement the count value of the worker nodepool, and apply the Terraform configuration again. After few minutes, you should see the node in NotReady state.

To finalize the deletion, delete the node from the cluster with krm no kube-worker-03.

If node have some workloads running, you’ll have to consider a proper draining before deleting it.

1st check ✅ #

We now have a working cluster, fully GitOps managed, easy to scale up, let’s install a load balanced ingress controller for external access through SSL.