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Conduit Apps Collection
Main purpose of this projects is to have personal extensive API training on multiple backend languages or framework. It’s following the very known Conduit project, a Medium
clone. Each project respect following conditions :
VS Code
as only main editor !- 100% compatible by the official OpenAPI Spec
- Proper OpenAPI documentation
- Testable with last Postman collection of Conduit
- Fully tested
- High QA by following best practices for linting, formatting, with static analyzers for non strongly typed languages
- Community-driven with usage of the most well-known packages
as main databases- Use ORM whenever possible that follows any
orActive Record
patterns - Proper seeder / faker for quick starting with filled DB
- Separated RW / RO database connections for maximizing performance between these 2 contexts
- Proper suited QA + production Dockerfile
- Complete CI on Kubernetes with Concourse CI
- Automatic CD on Kubernetes using Flux
Instead of using outdated Bootstrap v4 alpha 2 theme, I rewrite it on UnoCSS, an awesome efficient Tailwind-like utility-first CSS framework, with Dark Mode support.
For API communication, as we have full proper OpenAPI spec, it’s a real benefit to have a generated Typescript client for full autocompletion feature. The well known OpenAPI Generator is okay for this task but generate massive amount of code as it generates a complete client SDK.
Thankfully this openapi-typescript package is a for more lightweight solution. It simply translates the OpenAPI spec to a simple Typescript file, with only types. No code generation involved ! In order to work, we need to use a specific fetch tool which will use all advanced features of Typescript 4 in order to guess type all the API with only a single TS file in runtime !
Common packages involved :
- Vite as main bundler
- ESLint with Prettier for linting and code formatting
- Iconify as universal icons
- TanStack Query, compatible with
for nice API communication and powerful caching system
To sum up, at the time of Vue 2
(Options API) and React <16.8
(class components), it was a complete different DX and each framework have their own unique way to develop components. But now with Composition API
and React Hooks
, the gap is much smaller and became just a matter of taste, JSX
vs Vue template
, tooling, community, etc.
Vue 3 TS
implementation written with Composition API. Main packages involved :
- Pinia as main store system
- vue-tsc as main TS checker and compiler for Vue components, with full VS Code support with Volar plugin
- VueUse for many composition function helpers
Additional packages that reduce boilerplate and improve DX :
- unplugin-auto-import and unplugin-vue-components for reactivity functions and components auto import, while preserving TS support
- vite-plugin-pages and vite-plugin-vue-layouts for file-based route system with layout support, preventing us maintenance of separated route file, which made the DX similar to Nuxt
React TS
implementation. It uses only pure function components thanks to React Hooks, which can be more or less related to Vue 3 Composition API
It uses React Context as minimalistic store system, without extra complexity from external libraries like Redux or MobX.
Additional packages :
- Generouted, file based routing system with layout support, compatible with Vite
Compared to Vue
implementation, it seems a bit less magical and more explicit, as it likes for Symfony
VS Laravel
. Don’t require heavy Typescript IDE tooling like Volar
, because it’s just pure TS function components.
, Java
, Python
, Typescript
, highly up to date, with complete integrated automated tests suite.ASP.NET Core 8
implementation, using minimal APIs, mature since 8.0, following DDD
principle, implemented with Hexa architecture
and CQRS
pattern. Swashbuckle is used as default main OpenAPI generator.
Main packages involved :
- Carter for seamless endpoints grouping
- EF Core as strongly typed ORM
- MediatR for easy mediator implementation. It allows strong decoupling between all ASP.NET controllers and the final application which is cutted into small queries and commands
- Fluent Validation for strongly typed validation
- dotnet-format as official formatter
- xUnit.net as framework test
- Fluent Assertions for strongly typed assertions within the API
- Respawn as for optimal integration tests isolation
- Bogus for strongly typed fake data generator
- Bullseye as a nice CLI publisher tool with dependency graph
Spring Boot 3.2
implementation using Gradle 8
& Java 21
. Similar to the official Spring Boot implementation but with usage of Spring Data JPA
instead of MyBatis
. Here is another nice one that explicitly follows DDD
Main packages involved :
- springdoc-openapi as API documentation generator
- Java JWT as JWT implementation
- Spring Data JPA with Hibernate as default JPA implementation
- Flyway as proper migration tool based on SQL language as first party
- Lombok for less boring POO encapsulation boilerplate
JUnit 5
with REST Assured for fluent API assertions- Spotless Formatter with proper
Vs Code
integration - Java Faker as fake data generator
Symfony 7
implementation on PHP 8.3
that supports PHP 8 attributes, using API Platform.
Contrary to Laravel, the usage of DataMapper pattern ORM involve classic POPO models. The additional usage of plain PHP DTO classes facilitates the OpenAPI spec models generation without writing all schemas by hand. On the downside the Nelmio package is far more verbose than the Laravel OpenAPI version.
Main packages involved :
- API Platform as API framework
- Doctrine as DataMapper ORM
- SensioFrameworkExtraBundle for ParamConverter helper with Doctrine
- FOSRestBundle only for some helpers as DTO automatic converters and validation
- NelmioApiDocBundle as OpenAPI generator
- Symfony JWT Bundle implementation
- Alice as fixtures generator that relies on PHP Faker
- PHP CS Fixer as formatter
- PHPStan, as advanced code static analyzer
- PHPUnit as test framework
Laravel 11
implementation on PHP 8.3
with extensive usage of last attributes support. The particularity of this framework is to give you almost of all you need for quickly develop any complex application. So minimal external packages need.
I obviously made usage of Eloquent as a very expressive Active Record ORM, and the Laravel factories system based on PHP Faker is already perfect for dummy data generator.
Contrary to most others projects, there is no usage of DTO classes, so it’s required to write all schema declarations for proper OpenAPI models generation.
Main packages involved :
- PHP JWT as JWT implementation, with proper integration to Laravel using custom guard
- Laravel Routes Attribute for Laravel routing that leverage on last PHP 8 attributes feature
- Laravel OpenAPI that also use PHP 8 attributes for API documentation
- Laravel IDE Helper for proper IDE integration, perfectly suited for VS Code with Intelephense extension
- PHP CS Fixer as formatter with Laravel style guide
- Larastan, a Laravel wrapper of PHPStan, as advanced code static analyzer
- Pest 2 as nice Jest-like API superset of existing PHPUnit
NestJS 10
implementation under Node.js 20
using Typescript 5
and pnpm
as fast package manager. It relies by default on express
as NodeJS HTTP server implementation. NestJS offers a nice OpenAPI documentation generator thanks to Typescript which provides strong typing.
Main packages involved :
implementation under last Python 3.12
with Poetry as package manager.
It’s based on pydantic, an essential component that allows proper OpenAPI generation and data validations while bringing advanced type hints.
Main packages involved :
- Pydantic 2, for any data validation
- SQLAlchemy 2 with Alembic for schema migration
- python-jose as JWT implementation
- Faker as dummy data generator
- Ruff as extremely fast linter and code formatter written in rust, a perfect drop-in replacement for flake8, isort and black
- mypy as advanced static analyzer
- pytest as main test framework
Other projects
Main purpose of this projects is to have personal extensive API training on multiple backend languages or framework. It’s following the very known Conduit project, a Medium
clone. Each project respect following conditions :
VS Code
as only main editor !- 100% compatible by the official OpenAPI Spec
- Proper OpenAPI documentation
- Testable with last Postman collection of Conduit
- Fully tested
- High QA by following best practices for linting, formatting, with static analyzers for non strongly typed languages
- Community-driven with usage of the most well-known packages
as main databases- Use ORM whenever possible that follows any
orActive Record
patterns - Proper seeder / faker for quick starting with filled DB
- Separated RW / RO database connections for maximizing performance between these 2 contexts
- Proper suited QA + production Dockerfile
- Complete CI on Kubernetes with Concourse CI
- Automatic CD on Kubernetes using Flux
My most personal open-source 2020 Mammoth project. It’s a full admin framework similar as React Admin but for VueJS 2
and using Vuetify 2
as material frontend framework.
It’s a complete frontend project mainly written in Javascript
, with multiple usable NPM packages, a backend Laravel bridge, all inside a mono-repo managed by Lerna. A Vue CLI plugin was also created for quick starting.
I put many efforts into writing a complete documentation on VuePress, with complete tutorials, including integration within Laravel and Symfony API Platform. This documentation has clearly represented not far from 80% of all work ! It also has many samples and a complete demo.
But I had to decide to stop this project after a couple of months because multiple reasons :
- Less time available
- Too much effort to maintain and evolve it
- Not written on
that allows proper refactoring - No unit tests from the beginning, what has proved to be HUGE mistake
,Vue 3
with realTypescript
support andVuetify 3
are in the corner, which necessitates full rewrite and new next repo
Nevertheless, it was a very instructive project that shows me the real amount work for a good documentation and the cost of missing proper unit/integration/e2e tests.
A heavily customized Laravel 8
boilerplate starter-kit with complete BO solution, with posts management as main demo feature. On frontend/assets side it’s relies on last technologies, i.e. pnpm
+ Vue 3
+ Typescript
with nice template setup as default syntactic sugar, and finally Windi CSS
as CSS utility framework. You can easily ditch Windi CSS for Tailwind
if you prefer, as it’s almost the same API.
The BO dev API is similar to my last Vuetify Admin
project but rewritten in more customizable components. You have complete DataTable with pagination, sorts, global search, filters, Excel export, customizable row actions with nice Dev-side API. It has a nice BaseForm which reduces forms code boilerplate, with a few supported form inputs (you can easily create your own). It’s also support direct right-aside editing with proper URL context (see users management on demo). All BO relies on Inertia for minimal API glue boilerplate.
This project has full covered test suite written in Pest
and uses the most known Dev tools for proper QA assurance as :
as static analyszer,PHP CS Fixer
as code formatterLaravel IDE Helper
for proper IDE integrationClockwork
for debugging (notably N+1 SQL problems)PHPUnit Watcher
for fullTDD
experience- Perfect
VS Code
integration with recommended plugins Docker